12600-12621 Corporate Lake Drive, Fort Myers, FL
Eastlinks is a four-building, 174,850 square-foot office/flex complex adjacent to Westlinks Gateway and Gateway RSW International. The complex is comprised 65% of office space and 35% of warehouse space. Occupancy is presently 61%, boasting international, national, and credit tenants such as Walgreens, Automatic Data Processing (ADP), and Henry Shien, among a number of other well-established and thriving local companies. Like its sister properties, Eastlinks also has been owned and operated by the developer since construction, and is equally well maintained and attractively landscaped throughout. Eastlinks is in active negotiations with two tenants totaling 14,000 square feet a newly leased space. Leases are expected to be signed in the third quarter of this year and once executed, could potentially raise occupancy to 69%.